Health@Work, part of the Medicash Health and Wellbeing Group, is pleased to announce its new strategic partnership with the wellbeing and employee benefits experts at Vivup. The goal of this partnership is to boost the range of mental health and wellbeing support available to Health@Work’s corporate clients and their employees through its Employee Assistance Programmes.
Health@Work’s mission is to make wellbeing a top priority in the workplace through its range of wellbeing training programmes and national accreditation – the Workplace Wellbeing Charter. By collaborating with Vivup, Health@Work will be able to provide organisations with additional tools and resources to embrace a more proactive and early intervention approach to mental wellbeing in the workplace.
The partnership offers new proactive and preventative wellbeing benefits in addition to the existing core services offered to current users of the EAP. New features include a menopause support helpline, access to an extended range of online support and self-help guides via the Your Care platform, and access to Togetherall: an online mental health peer-to-peer support community.
Given that approximately 13 million women in the UK experience the physical and emotional effects of menopause at any one time, it’s vital to ensure the right education and support is in place. With Vivup, users are able to book a one-off menopause assessment with a specialist menopause clinician through the 24/7 menopause support helpline.
Once assessed users will either be referred to their GP with clear guidance on what to discuss with their GP, the symptoms to highlight and advice on how to confidently discuss the topic both at home and at work; directed to a suite of dedicated menopause resources and psychoeducation information; or offered up to 8 face to face counselling sessions where appropriate.
One of the standout features of this partnership’s new offering is the Togetherall app, a clinically managed online community designed to improve mental wellbeing through anonymous, moderated peer-to-peer support.
The platform offers anonymous, peer-to-peer advice to ensure as many people as possible benefit from instant, easy-access support as and when it’s required. Clinicians can direct users back to the Your Care platform and counselling service, as well as providing 24/7 monitoring with intervention where there’s risk. With the option to customise their feed, users can access the topics, categories, and resources that best relate to them and the challenges they’re currently facing.
This new partnership comes at a crucial time for Health@Work’s customers, with new research by the EAPA indicating that more employees are turning to their workplace EAP over NHS services for everyday help.
Marj Murphy, Director at Health@Work said: “We are delighted to announce our partnership with Vivup, reinforcing our commitment to supporting the mental health and wellbeing of organisations and their employees right across the UK. As the work environment evolves and businesses increasingly prioritise a proactive stance on mental wellbeing, we set out to find the best solution for both our customers and their employees. In Vivup we think we’ve found that.”
Vivup’s Chief Executive, Simon Moyle, said: “At Vivup we believe that a healthy and motivated workforce is crucial to an organisation’s success. We are excited about our new partnership as it will enable us to reach even more individuals and make a positive impact on their mental wellbeing. We look forward to working with both Medicash and Health@Work to create even more healthier, happier and more productive workplaces across the UK.”
The new partnership went live on Friday 1 September in a seamless transfer from Health@Work’s previous supplier, Care first.